Recent Books and Articles

Family Office Review — Personal Interview

Family Office Review, “Centerfold” personal interview feature. Susan was Ms. February 2013:   the-for-centerfold-ms-february-2013

Comprehensive Roadmap of Your Critical Documents

In the event of your disability, or even death, your loved ones will be dealing with intense emotional grief. At the same time, they must locate and gather your financial and legal information. We suggest that you consider creating a comprehensive roadmap of all your key documents now to provide guidance to your loved ones.

Comprehensive Roadmap page 7.7-8

ALI-ABA Estate Planning Course Materials Journal – GST Tax

Susan wrote a technical piece for attorneys on Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Mistakes: Avoiding Them Before They Happen and Fixing Them After They Happen, published in the ALI-ABA Estate Planning Course Materials Journal, December 2010.

Parents Must Put Children In The Know

Susan was extensively quoted (including lead quote) in the Financial Times, March 25, 2008, “Parents Must Put Children in the Know,” by Ian Driscoll.

“The kids see the way their parents live; they see the way their parents travel,” says Ms Schoenfeld. “If the children are given mixed messages and money’s never discussed, they ultimately don’t know how it should impact their career choices or their personal priorities.”

Allocation of GST Exemption to ILITs

Susan wrote “Allocation of GST Exemption to Contributions to Life Insurance Trusts“, published May 1999 in The CPA Journal.
Allocation of GSTX to ILITs